YouTube channel offers more than two hundreds video tutorials on GTK 3, and now GTK 4 (C language) ! You can see and edit on the fly the properties of each widget, you can change the graphical theme, you can zoom on a widget, edit the CSS properties, and many other things. Put the focus on it and press CTRL+SHIFT+D to launch the GtkInspector (or CTRL+SHIFT+I to directly inspect the widget under the mouse cursor). Type: $ gsettings set enable-inspector-keybinding true GtkInspector is an incredible interactive debugging tool for your GTK applications.
#Fortran programing tutorial simply fortran how to
How to use GTK-Fortran with Code::Blocks IDE.In the "User Interfaces, Graphics, and Plotting" chapter, you will find gtk-fortran. Programming in Modern Fortran - A HyperText-based introduction to programming in Fortran 2003, 2008, and 2018 on Unix.You can even simply create a PNG file without creating any GUI, by using the GdkPixbuf library: see pixbuf_without_gui.f90. If you want to draw progressively a picture pixel by pixel during a scientific computation, mandelbrot_pixbuf.f90 is a good starting point. But try to follow this example for your own programs in order to ease the porting to GTK 4. Note that in GTK 4, the recommended way to write a GTK program is using GtkApplication like in the gtkzero_gapp.f90 example: in the gtk3 branch, it's the only example using GtkApplication. Those simple examples are heavily commented in order to help you learn the GTK basics. You can begin by studying the examples available in the examples/ directory (gtk3 branch), beginning by gtkzero_gapp.f90 (just creates an empty GTK window) and gtkhello.f90 (a window with two buttons). More resources for learning gtk-fortran The gtk-fortran examples (/vmagnin/gtk-fortran/wiki/Tutorial 5).(/vmagnin/gtk-fortran/wiki/Tutorial 4) to build more easily a complicated GUI.(/vmagnin/gtk-fortran/wiki/Tutorial 3) - How to write a gtk-fortran application that can be build with or without its GUI, in order to be executable on a machine where gtk-fortran is not installed.
#Fortran programing tutorial simply fortran code
You will learn to draw in a PNG file using only the GdkPixbuf library: only 45 lines of Fortran code to draw a beautiful coloured Sierpinski Triangle! (/vmagnin/gtk-fortran/wiki/Tutorial 2) - Drawing an image in a PNG file (without GUI).You will learn to create a GtkApplication with a window, some widgets and how to draw a bitmap image in Fortran. (/vmagnin/gtk-fortran/wiki/Tutorial 1) - My first gtk-fortran application.

If you are not, the Fortran-lang community offers good tutorials: